Saturday, May 29, 2010

postheadericon Change is the ONLY constant

On Monday, 05/24/2010, the company that I worked for since 2004 decided to lay me off.  Bummer.  It was on one hand a relief, on the other a huge stessor.  I was relieved because I had really begun to hate my job as a manager.  It was hard to get 41 people to just do their job.  I definitely was becoming tainted and angry.  I believe all things happen for a reason, and I see the lesson in this is I was let go because I definitely would not have left on my own.  This job was the provider for my family's insurance benefits, so that was the stressor.

I looked for the good in this event and that is that I now have plenty of time to focus on cookies!  I spent all day Tuesday and Wednesday working on cookies and thoroughly enjoyed not having to rush or think about work.

There is a benefit for Sugar Beez in this little bump in the road for me...I have come up with some really great ideas that I will be incorporating into the business and website, so watch for those!  Such as a limited time special where you can purchase a $20 coupon which will get you $30 toward your next purchase! 

After almost a week of not having to deal with a stressful job, I'm relaxed, centered and focused again! 


faithy said...

Yes..sometimes it could be a blessing in disguise and you never know. :) Take care and hope to see more of your cookie creations!

Laura said...

Change is the only constant, besides God's (or the Goddess') love. This is my new saying :)

Sometimes we just have to go with the flow of life, not judging whether change is "good" or "bad", but trusting in our path.

Many blessings,


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