Sunday, December 29, 2013

postheadericon Happiness Cannot Exist Without Possibility

Something to Do

Not much is going on at the moment, and that is a good thing after the frenetic cookie'ing (you have my permission to use my cool new word) that happened in December on top of trying to do the everyday things like work, take care of hearth, home and family, AND Christmas preparations!  PHEW! 

We are enjoying the quiet slipping away of the old year.  Which brings us to thoughts of all the glittery potential of the New Year. 

The focus for Sugar Beez in 2014 is to just keep doing.  We had a lot of growth in the last quarter of 2013 because we were out there moving, learning and socializing.  The goal is to keep it up.

Something to Love

I love decorating cookies.  And it loves me back.  Nothing is better than getting an e-mail from someone who has purchased cookies from me saying how much the loved the cookies! 

Something to Hope for

My hope for 2014 is to have enough sales to support adding at least one employee, at least part time.  Small steps forward so I don't trip and fall running!


I wish all my followers, clients (past, present & future), my family, my friends and my coworkers (did I ever mention I work as a police dispatcher?) the Sweetest Happiness 2014 can afford!



Colleen said...

Tracy, you are so talented and I know that 2014 has big things in store for you! Happy Holidays to you and your family.

Unknown said...


You are so talented too! You are just at the start of your journey and before long you will be well on your way. You'll look back at the cookies you did in the beginning and be amazed at how you progressed!

It is obvious 2014 has lots in store for you too! Let go of what happened in 2013, it's like water off a duck's back!

Happy New Year to you and your family!


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