Wednesday, February 29, 2012

postheadericon My Weakness

My weakness, I'll admit it, is being a thinker...yep, I think too much.  In other words, I tend to spend way too much time analyzing.  One manager I worked for called this "paralysis by analysis."  Yep...that's me.  I have been trying to come up with a topic to blog about, so what did I do?  I would come up with an idea, then analyze it's worthiness or interest appeal...then I would chuck the idea.  I'm sure I probably had some really good ideas, but just overthought them.

This imperfection in my persona causes me much grief.

  • I have times when someone will ask me to do a custom cookie design and I think about the best way to do the design, but have trouble shifting from the thought process to the "doing" processes.  
  • I want to lose weight, and have a great treadmill in the basement, and I will think about going down and getting on to run a mile, but then I begin to think about what I have to get done to complete the goal...shower, 
UPDATE:  I started writing this blog post 2 days ago...guess what I did...thought maybe it wasn't interesting enough, so I walked away from it.  

I went back and read it this morning, and laughed...because last night while at Target, I split the seat of my jeans open...okay, so they were old jean, but I have been gaining weight and I knew I needed to do something about it...that was the last "thread." 

I went back on Weight Watchers this morning and walked a mile on the treadmill.  Whose with me on losing some weight?  Feel free to join in the misery!  

I will be brave and put it all out there for ya...I'm 5'4", weight this morning was 181.4 pounds...squeezing in to my size 12 my goal is to drop 2 pant sizes and stay there!  



Helen Andrews said...

Thanks Tracy for your samples...I remember your wonderful cookies at our 25th Anniversary Party...They are so buttery melt in your mouth not to sugary cookies..If a 3 year old says they are yummy and wants more..What a better way to have your product tried out..Will be ordering some in April for Alisandra's Birthday!!


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