Wednesday, August 18, 2010

postheadericon Where the heck have I been?

It has been a very long time since I have posted anything!  Wow!  Lots of changes in my personal life.  As you can see from my last post, I was let go from my job.  Then my personal life began to take a turn for the worse too.  I'm now in the midst of ending a 22+ year marriage and it has been very stressful.  I actually took a break from cookies all together for about a month.  I couldn't function or focus on cookies so I figured it wasn't fair to keep taking orders.  During that month I actually gave serious consideration to giving up on cookies all together.  Thank goodness I put that thought down to focus on just getting through my days. 

I am now on the upside in terms of my self-esteem.  I'm feeling better about myself and my decisions and so I decided to revisit the issue of Sugar Beez and whether to continue...and my decision is...yes, I will continue the business.  I do get a lot of enjoyment out of doing cookies and I'd like to think I'm good at it, so why not do something that affirms my self worth? 

So, back to the Kitchen Aid! 


ParkRidgeDDS said...

I am SO glad to hear that you are on the upside of your crisis. I have been so sorry that you were going through such a rough time but I am sure that you are coming out of this a stronger more confident woman. And, on behalf of all of the lucky people who have experienced your culinary skills....YAY....I am SO glad you are back in front of the Kitchen Aid. You are a special person and I wish for you success and happiness as you repave your road in life.

faithy said...

Don't give up your talent in cookie decorating! I'm sure when things get settled down and you embrace a new life journey, you'll still find joy in cookie decorating. :D Whatever you are going through now is only temporary and things will get better. Take Care!


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