Wednesday, December 16, 2009

postheadericon Procrastination

One of the biggest hurdles I have encountered in growing my business is trying to combat procrastination. I admit it, I'm a big procrastinator. I have read that the only way to fight procrastination is the infamous Nike motto "Just do it."

I agree with what I have read, that the biggest reason I procrastinate is because I think the task at hand is going to be hard. Usually, once I start I do find that it isn't nearly as difficult as I had made it seem in my head. And in most cases, once I get started I get lost in the enjoyment of what I'm doing, it's just getting started that is the hardest part.

What do you do to avoid procrastinating?


LAJRL said...

I'll tell you later...

Unknown said...

You are just tooo funny!

Laura said...

That's an issue of perfectionism too- blowing the task so out of proportion, it can never be done perfectly, so keep putting it off. Baby steps work for me.

Unknown said...

I had read that somewhere, that it is about being afraid the task at hand is going to be hard. I try to remember that when I know I'm procrastinating. I have gotten better, I usually don't procrastinate as long, but I do still procrastinate, which is why I'm up at this hour finishing a cookie order that is due tomorrow!


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